Dare Your Dreams

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams ~ Eleanor Roosevelt 

Today, most of us are not satisfied with our lives because we believe that we are not operating at our best. We think that we can do better in our career, and in life compared to what we do today. This is one of the biggest challenges we face. Majority of us are not clear about our current path and proceed with the flow, only to realise later on in life that we could have chosen a different path. By then, circumstances and commitments may have taken a higher priority and we may not have the courage to pursue better alternatives. We start to believe that we are stuck on a path with no return. Our beliefs become our reality and this impacts the overall quality of our life and that of others. 

The good news is, the problem of not having enough clarity can be addressed with proper interventions at the right time. Each of us can deliberately work on our strengths and aspirations by leveraging support from mentors and coaches to work out a clear path for a brighter future. 

‘Dare Your Dreams’ is a curated solution focused program which incorporates concepts from design thinking to help us create a life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where we are, what we do or have done for a living, or how young or old we are. This is a journey of self discovery, to discover ones true self. 

Download the program brochure here.

Program Overview

As a kid, weren’t we all excited to grow up? We thought being an adult meant freedom and power to do what we desire. We couldn’t wait to grow older and live our best lives. Most of us assumed to have it all  figured out and expected life as an adult to be a cake walk. But as we grew older and made decisions that determined our path, each one of us realized the truth and reality hit us straight in the face. Life isn’t easy, it’s something each one of us have to work hard to succeed in, in short, it’s hard. 

We go through good days and bad, some worse than ever where we feel lethargic and don’t have the energy to do anything new and just carrying out our daily routine becomes a pain, the mere act of getting out of bed becomes a burden and we find ourself lost and clueless in this vast sphere of life not knowing what to do and how to get by. We arrive at crossroads confused about life, living without a purpose and feeling empty. What do we do then? 

In a world with a million professions, finding what is right is a daunting task. The most important aspect to be understood is that life cannot be perfectly planned and there is no single best solution. In fact, there are many solutions for life. How do we figure what is best for us? 

We need to reframe. A reframe is when we take in new perspectives about the challenge, restate our point of view, and start reflecting and prototyping again. Life is not a thing, it is an experience; the fun comes from designing and enjoying the experience. With Dare Your Dreams, we have just attempted this : redesign our life bit-by-bit in a staged way and celebrate each of our small wins. It uses the Insignio gamification framework to make this journey more engaging, encouraging and endeavoring. 

Analogous to martial arts, we adopt coloured belts to signify the new level of achievements on our life redesign journey. From the beginning and birth (white belt) to the intermediate parts of development (yellow, orange, green, blue etc.) to maturing and going beyond (purple, brown, red, black belt). The belts symbolize our progress as an individual – on our journey to redesign our life, to live a purposeful life.