
A 25-weeks Bootcamp for preparing your next level leadership.

Metamorphosis is a highly personalized experiential program that provides an intense exposure to prepare your high potentials in their leadership journey. During the 25-weeks program, the participants will be mentored on 5 areas to enhance their leadership competencies.  They shall attend sessions to internalise the concepts and familiarise the practical tools. The participants shall have weekly workouts(practices and drills – P&Ds) where they will experiment and test these new concepts and tools . These P&Ds help them gain hands-on experience with instant feedback, and the learnings are discussed in integration sessions among other participants which helps them connect the program contents to real world issues.  The pedagogy shall include presentations, case studies, group discussions, workshops, and individual exercises, to ensure adult learning. The participants shall be ready to make an immediate impact at workplace as they undergo the 25-weeks bootcamp. 

Download the program brochure here.

Successful companies develop leaders at all levels. Designed to equip high-potential leaders to embrace the complex opportunities, challenges, and risks that come with greater leadership roles, this program includes: 

Agile Leadership is essential if an organisation is to affect true Agile business change. Agility is not an all or nothing quality but instead should be considered on a continuum. The Agile Leader is one who adapts. Agile Leadership is something that varies and improves over time. 

Applied Empathy is a design methodology, that empowers leaders to explore, learn, and grow through deeper understanding. This is a progressive approach for gaining understanding and bringing new thinking to life. It helps participants get closer to themselves, their friends, and their colleagues through thoughtful questions and inspired conversation.

Mindful listening is about being fully present when interacting with others. Listening mindfully requires us to comprehend what the other person is actually saying. Then we need to let them know we are paying attention and thinking about what they shared. 

A growth-mindset is the belief that one’s skills and qualities could be cultivated through effort and perseverance. People with a growth mindset understand they can get smarter through hard work, the use of effective strategies, and help from others when needed. The growth-mindset approach helps people feel good in the short and long terms, by helping them thrive on challenges and setbacks on their way to learning. 

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. ~John F. Kennedy

In an organization context, when people work together, there is always a possibility of disagreements, differences of opinion and conflicting perspectives on key issues to arise. The most effective teams ensures their members feel safe enough to disagree with one another, however, it is not always easy to create this culture.  Conflict management and negotiation skills are important competencies for any leader to ensure that there is a conducive environment for their people to balance out differences and succeed at workplace.