DYDcafé episode 4

DYDcafé episode 4

Rohit Saraswathi is on a journey to “Chase his Dreams”. He hitchhiked from Bangalore to Kathmandu to realise his childhood dreams climbing the tallest peak. He roamed across India, covering about 10000KM in 21 days to spread his message. He visited about 143 schools and colleges impacting about 40000 students on CYD project campaign

Here is our summary from our fourth episode of DYDcafé

  1. Miracles do not happen, they aremade.
  2. When you want something so badly the whole #world will #conspire to give it to you.
  3. Set big audacious goals, so that even if you fail, you are better than the average.
  4. My goal through CYD is to create dream chasers.
  5. You may get rejected 26 times. Persevere and 27th time you will succeed.
  6. Introspection is something that everyone needs to do
  7. Fear of failure is an illusion that is in ones mind and not the reality.
  8. For not doing certain things one may have 1000 reasons, however, for doing that there is only one reason. Go do it.
  9. Confidence is about believing that you are right, when the whole world tells you are wrong.
  10. You must not work hard, you must work #super hard.
  11. Stop expecting immediate results.
  12. Stop worrying what others will think about you.
  13. Stay obsessed with #helping others.

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